Designer Capital worked with our clients to purchase a luxury penthouse in Downtown Vancouver – Purchase Price $3,300,000.
The client is a Self-employed Real Estate Developer with a complex corporate structure, preferring to have a modest personal income draws through dividends and salary from his corporations and leaving most of the profits in the corporations for ideal taxation (through the advice of his accountant). Having discussed his file with his main bank, he was expecting to qualify for a mortgage of around $1,000,000 - $1,500,000 through conventional financing.
Working with our exclusive Private Banking partners at a major financial institution, Designer Capital was able to leverage their strong liquid asset position (cash and investments in corporations) as well as corporate income to achieve this Novel Financing Solution:
Mortgage: $2,640,000 (80% Loan-To-Value)
Home Equity LOC and Mortgage combined product – allowing equity to be re-borrowed in the future without requalifying
Competitive rates compared to the Big 5 Banks
Designer Capital’s Unbiased Advice allowed our client to work with a lender to invest the minimum amount of down payment required and keep liquid cash and capital on hand for future projects. Through the Private Banking partnership, we have also been able to assist them with further financing, including leverage against a Corporate Insurance Policy.